Branding Services

Your Digital Marketing Experts
Brand Branding Advertising Trademark Marketing Concept

Know Your Customers and They Know You

What do Planify™ Branding Packages Look Like?

With Planify™ Branding, we delve into the science and psychology of branding and recognition. When you know your customers, you can create an easily-identifiable brand that catches their eye. With colors, fonts, logos, and more, we can ensure you have the tools necessary to stand out among the competition.

Our Branding Includes:

  • Color schemes, fonts, and shapes
  • A complete logo
  • Full brand mark presentation and use guide
  • Print options
  • Language and tag strategy
  • Guidance for audio/visual brand needs
What do you need to know about Our Branding Packages

Why Does Branding Matter?

Working on brand design

Brand Recognition

When your brand mark is easy to recognize, customers will be reminded regularly about your brand. Every time they see it, they will know that it’s you and remember the service you offer. When your brand is designed to target your target audience, their psychology is taken into account. What will catch their eye? How will they remember you? It’s all in the brand.

Demonstrate Professionalism and Reputation Management

Having a solid brand, with custom fonts, graphic color schemes, and identifiable trademarks, you put your best foot forward and show your status as a company. This encourages customers that you care about your company and reputation—which will extend to their trust.

Consistent Brand Identity

Your branding helps to demonstrate who you are and what you sand for as a company. By ensuring a consistent, thorough brand reputation, your business is able to stand firm in its identity. This helps form language and attitude across the board, even down to interactions on social media with customers and having a single brand voice.

How can we Help Create Your Brand?

Planify™ will help create your branding package from start to finish, ensuring you stand out and make an impact.