Emails to Start Sending for Better Leads

Card in envelope with 'email marketing' written on it, green and orange

The key to running a successful business is to remember one simple fact.

Email marketing is not dead.

The reality is that email is a normal part of everyday life for most people. We check it so often that we don’t realize it. It’s just a part of the routine.

The quality of the emails we send, however, can vary. That’s why we need to pay attention to the little details. It’s encouraging to know that the average open rate for a welcome email is 82%. Additionally, emails using personalized subject lines typically generate open rates that are 50% higher.

If an email is a tool, it’s important that we know when is the right time to use that tool. That’s why we’ve broken down the 3 types of emails to start sending for better leads.

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Transactional Email

The transactional emails that you send to your customer are necessary to confirm that an action has been taken. These exchange vital information that the customer needs for their records. These include:

  • Shipping notifications – These should always include tracking information for the item that the customer has ordered, as well as a full receipt.
  • Login credentials – Whether the customer has forgotten their password or if the login is still being set up, these emails should go out.
  • Invoices – Send invoices or receipts for whatever the client may have purchased, whether a product or a service.
  • Abandoned cart reminders – These are deeply important to automate. You send them when a customer adds an item to their cart, but they don’t complete the purchase. Automating an email reminder will prompt them to finish the transaction. Sending 3 of these emails over the course of the next few days is better. In general, 3 abandoned cart reminders will result in 69% more orders than triggering only one abandoned cart email.
  • Cancellation requests – These should be sent for any orders, appointments, or other business matters.

Transactional emails are most often managed by the customer service team within your company. And while these emails can be underappreciated as an automated necessity, they do serve a purpose. When you send a transactional email that is above the rest, it can boost your relationship with your customer. For instance, including a well-written ‘thank you’ to your client can have an impact. The design feature could also give you an opportunity to stand out.

Don’t overlook even the most seemingly mundane emails.

Promotional Email

Promotional emails are what we most often think of when we talk about email marketing. In reality, 49% of consumers want to receive promotional emails from their favorite companies. This can be distressing, given that it’s less than half of the consumer market. But if your promotional emails are sent with wisdom, that 49% can see a marked boost.

The goal of promotional emails is typically to drive immediate sales. They can also drive qualified leads to your sales team. It gives you a better scope of your client. This way you know you can get a return on your marketing investment.

When considering what to include in your marketing emails, note that they typically lean on the copywriting. The voice of the emails reflects the brand or the figurehead of the business.

It is also wise to have a specific schedule for the automation of these emails. Sending daily promotions can be obnoxious for those on your email list. No business owner wants to have half their email list mark them as spam. It’s better to have one or two emails ignored, or have a few unsubscribes. And while that may be a bit of an exaggeration, you don’t want to exhaust your email list.

Tablet with the words 'join our newsletter' with glasses and computer

Content Email

Content emails are those that contain valuable information or other necessary content. Typically, they have a goal in mind that will see a later return on investment, as opposed to an immediate one.

One goal with content emails may be providing value in advance for your customers. They need to see that you have something worth offering. If they understand that, they might be more willing to give you their business.

Another key element of content emails is nurturing the relationship you have with your customers. They like to know what’s going on in your business without it being all about your products or services. This gives them a chance to simply get to know you.

Content emails are a great opportunity to include videos, which can increase your click-through rate by 300%. Place your links strategically near the videos to encourage the customer to take action.

A few things you may wish to include in these emails are newsletters or any free resources you want to offer. Resources may be from your brand or other free content you think will benefit your clients. You may want to consider including product highlights if you have something interesting to share about what you’re offering.

As always, keep an eye on your metrics. Your click-through rates and email opens will help you determine what is and isn’t working. Metrics also show whether or not customers are gaining value from the content you are sharing.


When you know what emails to start sending for better leads, you can drive more traffic to your website, without feeling spammy. You want to communicate well through transactional emails. A business should share products and services through promotional emails. They should build relationships through content emails. These are all opportunities to get closer to your customers.

At Planify, we’ve seen the impact of a well-planned email marketing strategy. As we go through this series on email marketing, we hope to help you grow in your business and in your email strategy. In the next blog in the series, we’ll take a look at email campaigns worth trying. Until then, get those emails rolling!

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