Tools for Designing an Effective Landing Page

Man working on computer web design landing page with notebook and coffee.

If you’ve been following along in our series about landing pages, you’ve already read about the types of landing pages you should have and the best tactics to use on them. But when it comes to your landing page design, there’s another element to consider.

How do you actually make your landing page worth viewing?

There are times when a customer may stay on a boring or unattractive page if they are desperate for the product you’re offering. But, the majority of people will see it as unprofessional and look elsewhere. That’s why your landing page needs to truly shine.

When it comes down to it, there are three main options you can choose from. Consider these when it comes to designing and building out your landing page.

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Outline and Outsource

Many business owners simply make an outline of what they’re looking for. Then, they outsource the actual building of the landing page. If you send a trusted web developer the design, they will create the page for your site. You could either draw it out for them or write up a list with the bullet points to include what you need.

This is a great option for the busy entrepreneur. This option doesn’t only save you the time and the stress of trying to learn a new skill. It also saves you from having to hire someone full-time if you don’t need to.

When you outsource, you can choose from freelancers or agencies. With freelancers, take time to read through their reviews and see what previous clients have said. Also, consider asking them what their current workload is like to prevent getting behind on your deadlines.

With an agency, you are likely to get consistent work from a company with a reputation to keep. Ask about timelines, what is included (i.e. graphics, copy, etc.), and again, look at reviews. At Planify, we love to communicate with you about what your landing pages need to help you thrive.

Build It Yourself

This is more of an option for those with coding experience. If a business owner wants to build their own website, it’s certainly an option. But if you’re considering this, just know that it will be timely. First, you want to make sure that you have the hours necessary to make it happen. You will also want to look at your deadlines to be sure that you can finish it before it’s needed.

For instance, building a landing page for a great Christmas gift item needs to be completed well before Black Friday. Your landing page design will also need to fall in line with that theme while staying true to your brand aesthetic.

Still, for those who understand coding or have someone on the team who can build a landing page, that’s a great option. Just be sure that the standard is high enough that it keeps your customers moving through the funnel.

Business woman looking at computer and working on a project.

Use a Site Plugin

A site plugin is another option for creating a landing page that is consistent with your brand and has decent graphics and design. A few options are:

You will have to pay for these services and the majority of the time, different capabilities have different costs. Again, it’s important to do your research and make sure you have everything you need. Do this before spending time and money on a product that doesn’t deliver exactly what you need.

Choosing the Route to Your Quality Design

No matter what route you choose, you need to make sure it’s the best option for your budget and your skill level. It’s always less costly to do it right the first time. Otherwise, you may run a rough draft before you realize it doesn’t deliver the results you need. Then you have to spend more and start from scratch.

Your landing page design is about more than just colors and features, it’s about the user experience. How can you convert the visitor into a customer? And which of the options above is most likely to achieve that goal?

Digital marketing isn’t just templates and content and inspiration. It’s about all of those things and so much more. So bringing your audience to a place where they can find clear and concise information in how and why to buy from you? That’s a landing page worth building.

As you work toward building your landing pages and including a strong design element, know that you’re not alone. Many business owners are in the same position. Over at the Planify™ Your Business Facebook Group, we offer training based on what our members need. Check it out and stay tuned for tons more info on building a business that thrives.

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