What Every Small Business Needs to Know about One-Page Websites

Curious about building a small business one-pager? As it turns out, this could be just what your new, small business needs as you get started and aim for growth.

But what all is included in a one-pager? Is that enough to give your audience the information they need? And is it too simple to really build your company to success? Or could a one-pager be exactly what you need?

Benefit #1- User Experience

While there are many benefits to the user experience, from page speed to convenience, there are a few key points to consider.

No Navigation

Your users don’t have to search your site for what they’re looking for. The navigation bar on a website can seem helpful, but it can also create confusion.

For instance, consider a startup renovation contractor. If a potential customer is looking for a bathroom makeover in their home, they may get lost. They wouldn’t necessarily know if they should click on the tab for bathroom renovations or if they need to click the residential tab. If they click bathroom renovations, they will have wasted time if it turns out to be addressing hotels or restaurants. Or if searching for careers, would it be on the ‘About’ page or the ‘Contact’ page?

While these may seem trivial, the fact remains that consumers don’t want to bother searching. Those split-second searches add up, wasting their valuable time. With a one-pager, a small business can easily lay out what services they have on offer.

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Good for Scrolling on Mobile

A small business one-pager is optimized for mobile experience. While most websites designed by a professional aim to do this, a one-pager is a great option. Mobile users can easily scroll through until they find what they’re looking for.

For better or worse, the thumb scroll has become second nature to most people. A one-page website doesn’t require more than this action.

Easier to Scan

Many consumers prefer to scan information, rather than reading in-depth. When you have one page, your page copy has to be narrowed to the main points. This tends to look cleaner in appearance, while being easier for your audience to connect.

Benefit #2- Highlights Necessary Services

With fewer distractions, a small business can put all of their services on display. Customers don’t need to search the site for what they’re looking for. As mentioned above, they only need to scroll.

You are able to design the one-pager based on your funnel–from the introductory offer to the core offer, and finally the upsell. Potential customers can see all the benefits right in front of them, but in the proper order. If you are offering complimentary services, they don’t need to travel multiple pages. For instance, if a customer is looking for an interior designer, they won’t need to

Benefit #3- Conversion Rates

When your entire funnel is on one page, users are far more likely to scroll through it and reach the end. Your small business one-pager can direct each step of your customer journey. As you take them from one point to the next, their eye naturally continues to the next step.

Because of this, one-pagers can lead to higher conversion rates. For a small company, this can be extremely beneficial in taking the next step forward to growing your business.

Get Started with Your One-Pager

Are you ready to get started with your one-pager? Planify™ is here to help. The great thing about working with an agency is that you get more than a professional website. An agency can help you create ads, manage your social media, gain reviews, and boost your SEO even with one page.

Contact us today to see how we can help your business thrive.

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