Effective Content Types to Try Today

Depending on your industry, you will want to choose specific types of content marketing. For many companies, Facebook posts and ads are a given. But oftentimes, there are a number of content outlets that can help grow your business. To find what works for you, we’ve compiled different types of content that can help your brand grow.


Blogs are a great option for growing content. Not only do they boost SEO (search engine optimization), but they also share relevant information with your audience. Blogs can demonstrate your company’s expertise on a subject. They can also generate new ideas in your clients, so they recognize the potential help your company offers.


For a product or service, videos are a great way to show, rather than tell. Your potential customers can see your product in action, or you can show them the before and after of your service. At Planify™, we love the benefit of creating YouTube ads for our clients, so their audience can see their product or service in use. Outside of ads, having a YouTube channel can give great content for potential customers to hear from you.


Whether through ads or actually hosting/being interviewed on a podcast, these can be a great content options. Customers can hear what you have to say, what’s going on with your brand, and learn more about why they need you. The nice thing about podcasts is that they can be heard while your audience is doing other things, like driving or cleaning.


Newsletters offer a fantastic touchpoint with your email list. Whether you are sending weekly ads or just a monthly reminder of your services, newsletters open doors. Any time you land in an inbox, you’re increasing your chances of selling a product or booking a service.


Infographics can easily demonstrate the importance of your product or service. You are able to share statistics or life without your company, versus life after someone has accepted your offer.

Case Studies and White Papers

Case studies are another demonstration of evidence. Potential clients can see how you made a change for one person or circumstance through what you offer. Your product or service is the hero of the case study and should show how you took a situation from dreadful to amazing. For an example, check out our case studies for Planify™.

Like case studies, white papers present the proof. Sharing about specific customers or clients and their success resulting from your service is invaluable.


Guides are great for taking your audience on a journey to understanding your product or service. They allow your potential customers to visualize themselves with your offer or see what they are lacking through their worksheets.

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Additional Topics for Your Content

The core topic of your content should relate directly to your customer and your offer. Any related topics must touch on topics that your customer will relate to, but may not directly relate to your offers.

As you work through content types and narrowing down your offer, know that content has great potential to generate business. And if you need a hand understanding what works best for your industry or how to reach your customers, we’re here to help!

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