5 Tips to Score Quality Off-Page SEO

If you’ve been following along in our SEO blog series, you may be wondering about off-page SEO. How do you get other people to link to your website? How do you score quality backlinks? How much effort goes into building these relationships?

Building off-page SEO is certainly a process, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult. With these tips, you have the opportunity to develop stronger SEO and be found by your ideal audience.

Create Backlinks

To create backlinks, you need a three-fold strategy. The strongest part of your strategy should be encourging natural links. You gain these links by shining as a brand and proving yourself. Happy customers will naturally leave reviews and link others to your business. Why? They trust you and they are happy with the results of what you offer. A natural endorsement from customers is the most important form of backlink.

Manual linking is when you exchange an offer with someone to share about your company. For instance, partnering with an influencer can gain you manual links. They will share about you because of the trade-off that you have offered.

Finally, self-created linking is when you promote your company through links. You may do this in discussion forums, your comment signatures, or online directories. While this is certainly a good strategy, remember that your audience is more likely to trust happy customers than the brand itself.

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Guest Posting

Guest posting is a great way to capitalize on relationships with other business owners–especially those whose company may complement your own brand.

If you and a peer each have blogs on your websites, give each other the chance to guest post. Leave a link to your company in the post and share about what you do and how it could benefit their customers.

For instance, if you have a natural-materials toy company, you could look for parenting blogs. Ask them to share about their experiences as parents on your website. Meanwhile, you share about the importance of toys made from natural materials on theirs. This way, you are both gaining backlinks.

Influencer Marketing

Working with an influencer can grow your branding in many ways. In addition to them using and demonstrating your product, they are also linking to it. Their viewers will be excited to see it used by someone they admire. Meanwhile, as this off-page SEO develops, so does your ranking in Google. Of course, working with an influencer can be high-cost, but the return on investment could be worh it.

Webinars, Podcasts, and Videos

Sharing webinars, creating or guest-hosting a podcast, and even appearing in YouTube videos can all be great options for building off-page SEO. Whether you are the owner of these outlets or just joining one already out there, having links to your website is a key to being seen by a wider audience. As with all off-page SEO, there is great forward-facing advertising that ultimately leads to search engine recognition.

Social Media Strategies

When using social media to creating off-page SEO, it’s important to have good strategies. Comments and likes are great, but it takes work on your end as well. Regular posting, full engagement, and a positive reputation are all important.

Have a good strategy to ensure that you are interacting with your community and acknowledging them when they reach out to you. Remember that your customer is the hero of your business. Treat them that way.

Putting it Together

These 5 steps are simple ways to score off-page SEO. Ultimately, nurturing your customers and keeping them happy is the best option for building your reputation and getting on Google’s ‘nice list’. If you need help moving forward with developing or scaling your business, Planify™ is here to help. With everything from web design to social media management and more, we love to help business leaders thrive.

1 thought on “5 Tips to Score Quality Off-Page SEO”

  1. Off-page SEO is essential for boosting a website’s visibility and authority beyond its own content. By fostering quality backlinks, social media engagement, and online reputation, it enhances search engine rankings and drives organic traffic. Embracing off-page strategies not only builds credibility but also creates valuable connections within the digital landscape.

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